Resiliency & Burnout Training forLeadership & Employees
Resiliency Program
As a certified Verdant Consulting Certified Instructor, we utilize proven methodologies from neurocognitive skills in simple, practical ways for small to medium businesses. We educate your teams and leaders on tactics for managing stress, bouncing back from challenges, and responding to conflict with balanced and effective approaches.
Delivered in a blend of workshop & self-study sessions that combine the latest in learning methodologies to create new habits & behaviors.
Leadership Resiliency Program
Leaders are the heart of the organization. They are why employees thrive, how they experience your culture, and can cause your best and brightest to leave. Building on our signature program, we provide targeted training through live workshops that are complemented with micro-learning via the Resiliency app to support managers on the go.
Individualized Employee & Leadership Coaching
Created a psychologically safe work environment is key to retaining employees, promoting positive company culture, and maintaining impactful leadership within your business.
By giving your leadership and employees access to individualized mental health support within the workplace, you create a place where they can feel supported to do their best work.